While we are all distracted by this government’s latest antics and dog whistles, it is pushing through a policy that will likely see the end of the NHS as we know it – at least in England.
The guise is “patient choice”.
The truth: biggest change in our healthcare model so far.

This UK government is using the pandemic as a way to extract money from the NHS, again.
But this time the change will last for years and see the NHS spiral further.
The policy forces through the fundamental change of “money follows patient”.

Each nation has an "NHS Recovery Plan".
In England, it is £6bn.
The funds are supposed to be used to rebuild the NHS after the acute pandemic.
But the government is using it to push through system-wide changes that allow private care to be paid directly, without NHS contracts.

They are fundamentally altering the care pathway so that patients can “choose” to go into the private sector to undergo tests and treatments – including cancer treatment.

This will be much more expensive BUT the money for it will not be NEW money, it comes from the existing NHS budget.
This means that the NHS will become even more rationed. No money for ambulances, or accident and emergency, or GPs, or specialists.
This will drain the NHS of resources.
The end result will be similar to the states… A private sector driven to make more profit AND a public service that can barely provide basic services.
Remember, the private sector is not providing a complete health service, only the parts they want.
There are rumours that they may even legislate to force the NHS to refer to the private sector.
I cannot emphasise enough just how fundamental a change this is.
“Money follows patient”. It is the insurance-based model.
We did not vote for this!
Here is a fuller explainer.
Please forgive the lack of video editing – didn’t have the time.
P.s if anyone knows a good vid editor pls let me know.