Author: A L Kennedy

The author is a Scottish-born writer and performer, now living in Essex. Among her other distinctions she was the recipient of a Lannan Award, the Costa Prize, The Heinrich Heine Preis, the Somerset Maugham Award, the John Llewellyn Rees Prize the 2020 Austrian Booksellers’ Award for Tolerance in Thought and Action. She has twice been included on the Granta Best of Young British Novelists list. Further info:

Why do we still have a clown for a PM?

A L Kennedy

A richly scatological analysis of the parlous state of our domestic politics by multi-award-winning author, A L Kennedy. This article first appeared as Handgranaten gefüllt mit Dummheit in Süddeutsche Zeitung I know, it’s mystifying. Popo, our killer clown, the dog turd on our national mantelpiece – why is he still Prime Minister?  The answers to that question reveal […]