Local community organisation, Exeter Community Alliance, is highlighting Devon County Council’s (DCC) current climate-messaging inconsistency. On the one hand, DCC’s own website tells local concerned citizens to be ethical and green in their choice of bank saying:
“Finding banks with a strong ethical investment policy is an amazing way to make sure that your money is not causing harm to the planet.”
Great advice! Yet DCC, itself, uses Barclays Bank – the worst fossil fuel funder in Europe – for its business banking arrangements.
Devon residents are urged to write to their own local DCC county councillors (using the short, adaptable template letter for which there is a link below) to challenge this inconsistent position ahead of a big council meeting on Thursday 7 September where a Green councillor is planning to speak on the matter.
The form letter/template, put together by the community group, can quickly and easily be tweaked and personalised, Campaigners stress that it would be really great if every Devon county councillor had had letters from local people before the meeting.
It is not enough for DCC to talk the talk. They have to walk the walk!
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