He’s at it again! No shame, whatsoever. He finds time to dash into the house to vote through amendments to social care and the health and social care bill that will make many of his constituents poorer or more vulnerable to poverty and then it’s back to the day job!

Even the BBC covered this apparent two fingers to parliament and his voters. He is advising a foreign government accused of corruption, cronyism and misuse of funds. Getting the practice in, I suppose…
An MP’s job is to serve the country and his or her constituents. End of.
Meanwhile, Stella Creasy takes her role as an MP seriously and is determined to speak on behalf of her constituents, but gets a letter telling her that new rules mean no babies in the chamber. Liars permitted, innocents not. Oh, and MPs can feel free to go without masks and risk infecting others. It’s a messed up world.
How do you feel about MPs having lucrative second jobs in the private sector or for foreign governments/businesses? Is the role of MP really so easily done on a part time basis? Does the thought “will this affect the people of Torridge and West Devon” ever cross Sir Geoffrey’s mind and would he have time to ponder his options if it did? I suppose if you almost always vote with the government, you don’t really have to think or read anything; just walk through the lobby as dictated by the whips!
Write and tell us what you think. Editor@westcountryvoices.co.uk .
Oh, and a quick reminder of what the Health and Social Care Bill Sir Geoffrey supported means for the NHS and care services:

Let’s hope the Lords do their bit to squash this nasty bill and its privatisation agenda. Just because the NHS is not being floated on the stockmarket or auctioned off to the hghest bidder does not mean it’s not being privatised by stealth…
Unfortunately, this plea to Tobias Ellwood fell on deaf ears…