Local households recently received a letter from Selaine Saxby, our North Devon MP, which contained a petition to complain about dentistry, or lack of it, in North Devon. I also note that she asked a question in the House of Commons on the same subject in July 2022.
You can look at this in two ways:
1. She quite rightly is voicing the concerns of her constituents.
2. She has been our MP since late 2019…what has taken so long?.
Indeed, since late 2019 she has followed the Government line on virtually everything.
This obviously includes approving the hard Brexit that has been the greatest act of self-harm inflicted by any ruling party on its people in anyone’s memory.
She has supported trade deals with Australia and New Zealand which will greatly damage the livelihoods of the majority of farmers in North Devon.
Her website, whilst examining the issues behind the pollution of our rivers and beaches, seems to be congratulating South West Water and the Environment Agency on their great success and accusing those who criticise as being ‘liars’
I am sure that when parliament eventually convenes (they don’t seem to be there very much ) she will back Sunak’s reverse on climate change policies, rave at Braverman’s attacks on virtually anything decent and continue to be part of the most corrupt, incompetent and dishonest administration that has ever run this country.
Dog whistles and gaslighting will probably not save Selaine Saxby her seat, if she tries to defend it.
I, and most everyone I know, will not vote for her because of the party that she represents. A tactical vote will bring in the Lib Dems, whose main appeal will be ‘not Tory’. I don’t want to vote for a party for what they are not, but rather for one which has a clear agenda to bring about the changes that we need to make the UK a credible country again.
All the recent polls suggest that the vast majority are not happy with Brexit having at last realised that they were lied to on virtually every issue.
A policy of ‘not diverging’ from the EU does not hack it.
I firmly believe that a commitment to explore the possibility of rejoining the Single Market would greatly appeal to most voters in the 40 or so seats that the Lib Dems are seriously contesting. This may well bring them the balance of power in the next parliament.
In the meantime, we can expect Ms Saxby to try further ploys to tickle the chins of us in North Devon.