It seems that democracy is under assault on multiple fronts from voter suppression measures and attempts to curtail tactical voting in the Elections Bill to the attack on our right to peaceful protest in the Police, Crimes, Courts and Sentencing Bill. Couple this with a government elected on lies and misrepresentation and hostile to any scrutiny or accountability, and we have a recipe for a very serious erosion of our rights, freedoms and democracy itself.
If this bothers you as it does us (though terrifies might be a better word!) then please join us on 20 January at 20:00 for a panel discussion on the state of affairs and actions we can take to try to arrest this process. You need to register here to get the Zoom link.
The event is free and will follow the format of a brief introduction from our panellists, outlining their perspective and key concerns, followed by an interactive question and answer session.
We are very grateful to our panellists, Peter Jukes, founder of the truth-telling, mould-breaking investigative paper, Byline Times; Molly Scott Cato, former MEP for the SouthWest, green economist and democracy champion; Naomi Smith, chief executive of the civil society campaign, Best for Britain; and Richard Murphy, academic, columnist and hard-hitting critic of the current government’s policies on his blog and social media, for agreeing to help us navigate the current political and media landscape.
Please join us and bring friends and family with you. It promises to be an informal but informative and empowering evening, plus there are no icy roads or parking challenges to overcome. The whole thing happens in the comfort of your home, on Zoom!