For goodness sake, Labour! Stop pandering to the media and use your majority to get important stuff done!

Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

Look, we know that everyone goes along with the idea that Murdoch (and the fossil fuel monsters) decide who runs this country and although this is bullsh*t, you make it real by going along with it. Stop! Shed-loads of us voted for you because you were a) not the Tories; and b) promised change. Don’t you dare take us for granted.

So you’ve only been in power a few weeks? So what. You implied you were ready. Prove it. Don’t you dare think that first past the post means you’re going to be OK. We will take tactical voting to a whole new level if you let us and the country down, or do you really not get how angry we are at the state of our politics?

Here’s what you absolutely have to do:

  1. Leveson 2. Corruption and bias has to be tackled. Don’t pretend it doesn’t. We don’t want cosy compromise. We want a proper clean out of the Augean stables. Otherwise, you’ve totally blown credibility on a) and b) above. You value democracy? Prove it.
  2. Stop taking money from:
    i) fossil fuel companies
    ii) private healthcare companies
    iii) Israel lobbyists
    We aren’t stupid. We know they’re effectively bribes. Oh, and don’t let your mates sell access to the Treasury. It stinks.
  3. Pass the Climate and Nature Bill and do your flipping homework on the carbon capture scam (and, yes, it’s a ‘funny’ video, but it’s telling it like it is). Wake up to vested interests!
  4. Make our electoral system fit for purpose. We’re sick of being the only country in Europe apart from Belarus with this ridiculous and undemocratic first-past-the-post system. You think you can’t win without it? Shame on you!
  5. Get us back in the single market, at the very least. Stop pretending Brexit is anything other than an unmitigated disaster. FGS, Johnson has just admitted he lied to ‘win the debate’, like it was some trivial Oxford Union thing! It’s ruined lives, weakened the country and screwed things up for our kids, musicians, artists, small businesses etc etc. Fix it!
  6. INVEST in sensible stuff (not carbon capture). Stop gaslighting us into thinking government finances work like a household budget. That’s utter drivel, as well you know. The planet is our only home and people are our greatest resource, so how about putting net zero, education and health top of the pile?
  7. Stop pandering to the far right! The majority of people in this country are progressive. We want good things for everyone – access to justice, clean air and water, education etc. And we want these things for those who seek asylum. Get some legal routes in place and stop the hateful labelling of legitimate asylum seekers. Yes, go after the gangs and yes, deport those who genuinely have no claim, but stop normalising hatred of these unfortunate ‘others’.
  8. Wealth tax. Now. People want to see some social justice for a change, or are you just Tory-lite?

Give us some positivity, some hope. Kill off the culture wars. Give us some sense that decent values are a priority and not written off as ‘woke’. We know it won’t be easy, but that’s no reason at all not to try! You’ve got the power. Use it!