The success of a liberal democracy is dependent upon active, informed, citizens engaging in debate. We can all make a difference. We all must make a difference!
There are many ways our voices can be seen and heard:
How to contact your MP, Select Committees, the Lords, Councillors
Find your MP: https://members.parliament.uk/members/commons
Here’s a list of our region’s MPs:
MPs’ phone numbers
(If two phone numbers, first is Westminster, second constituency)
George Eustice george.eustice.mp@parliament.uk 0207 919 7032 or constituency office 01209
Sherryll Murray sheryll@sheryllmurray.com 020 7219 3000 or 01579 344428
Scott Mann scott@scottmann.org.uk tel:01208 74337
Steve Double steve.double.mp@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 4408
Cherilyn Mackrory; cherilyn.mackrory.mp@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 3713 tel:01872 229698
Derek Thomas: derek.thomas.mp@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 4435
Ben Bradshaw: bradshawb@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 6597 tel:01392 424464
Neil Parish: neil.parish.mp@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 7172
Gary Streeter: deans@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 5033 tel:020 7219 5033
Mel Stride mel.stride.mp@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 7037
Luke Pollard luke.pollard.mp@parliament.uk tel:0207 219 2749 tel:01752 717 255
Johnny Mercer johnny.mercer.mp@parliament.uk tel:01752 876979
Selaine Saxby selaine.saxby.mp@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 5952 tel:01271 327990
Anne Marie Morris annemarie.morris.mp@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 3000 tel:01626 368277
Geoffrey Cox coxg@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 4719 tel:01822 612925
Kevin Foster kevin.foster.mp@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 4711
Anthony Mangnall anthony.mangnall.mp@parliament.uk tel:0207 219 5579
Simon Jupp simon.jupp.mp@parliament.uk tel:0207 219 3000
Simon Hoare simon.hoare.mp@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 5697
Chris Loder chris.loder.mp@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 3912
Richard Drax richard.drax.mp@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 7051 tel:01929 462803
Robert Syms symsmp.office@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 4601 tel:01202 739922
Conor Burns conor.burns.mp@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 7021 tel:01202 553330
Michael Tomlinson michael.tomlinson.mp@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 5844
Christopher Chope chopec@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 5808
Tobias Ellwood tobias.ellwood.mp@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 4349 tel:01202 801990
Rebecca Pow rebecca.pow.mp@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 4831
Iain Liddell-Grainger ianlg@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 8149 tel:01278 458383
David Warburton david.warburton.mp@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 5229
Marcus Fysh marcus.fysh.mp@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 4527
James Heappey james.heappey.mp@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 0694
Jacob Rees-Mogg jacob.reesmogg.mp@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 7118 tel:0117 987 2313
Liam Fox ione.douglas@parliament.uk tel:020 7219 4198 tel:01275 790090
Find out about your MP and their voting record: They work for You
Contacting your MP: https://www.parliament.uk/get-involved/contact-an-mp-or-lord/contact-your-mp/
Best for Britain’s excellent Hey MP! contact software that has a campaign focus but ensures your email address is shown so it does not get chucked out as spam.
House of Lords
Write to a Member of House of Lords:
Find a Member to write to by name or under policy interest: https://members.parliament.uk/members/Lords
Select Committees
“Select committees work in both Houses. They check and report on areas ranging from the work of government departments to economic affairs. The results of these inquiries are public and many require a response from the government.
There is a Commons Select Committee for each government department, examining three aspects: spending, policies and administration.
These departmental committees have a minimum of 11 members, who decide upon the line of inquiry and then gather written and oral evidence. Findings are reported to the Commons, printed, and published on the Parliament website. The government then usually has 60 days to reply to the committee’s recommendations.
Some Select Committees have a role that crosses departmental boundaries such as the Public Accounts or Environmental Audit Committees. Depending on the issue under consideration they can look at any or all of the government departments.”
Lords Select Committees do not shadow the work of government departments. Their investigations look into specialist subjects, taking advantage of the Lords’ expertise and the greater amount of time (compared to MPs) available to them to examine issues.
Parliament website
You can write to a member of a select committee whether or not they are your MP. It is best , in the first instance, to write to the chair of a relevant committee unless you feel there is a member who might be more sympathetic to your cause or you have a connection. You can write to any Lord at any time.
For a list of the committees and to see the membership and what they are working on now:
House of Commons Select Committees
House of Lords Select Committees
County and district councillors
Write to your County Councillor or District Councillor:
Become a Councillor. Local Councillors can have a huge influence, raising awareness of crucial issues and improving lives in the community: https://www.local.gov.uk/be-councillor to campaign for what you believe in.
Contact the media
Write to national and local Newspapers. Write to us, first, of course! editor@westcountryvoices.co.uk
Phone in to a regional or national radio programme:
Leading Britain’s Conversation (LBC)
Have a short script and the main points you want to put across written down for reference!
Join a Movement you feel strongly about and get active:
Movements and Campaigns are listed here
Join a Progressive Political Party
Issues we campaign for very often require changes in the law and these will ultimately be decided by votes in parliament. The election of members of parliament who share our values is critical to the democratic process. Consider joining a progressive political party that has the best fit of policies for you and get active to promote your values, refine their policies and influence the electorate. Importantly, proportional representation will only be achieved through parties working together and this will only happen if MPs are elected who support electoral reform.
These parties stand candidates nationally and all of them will have an active branch of members near you:
You could consider actively supporting an Independent prospective parliamentary candidate if you want them to represent you.
Start a petition
This is a good way to mobilise supporters and influence decision-makers:
Contribute to meetings and rallies
- Look at the diary of protests and marches on West Country Voices Campaign page
- Spread the word about these events via social media. If we are better organised, we can increase participation at these events to thousands of people – which will be noticed!
- Arrange to take family and friends to the rallies
- Prepare a few words to say at the microphone if you wish. If your values are those followed by West Country Voices you are guaranteed to be warmly received!
- Share photos and videos of these events on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Use a hashtag (#) for the event (the organisers may well suggest one, e.g., #Cop26) and the opinion you are supporting (e.g., #BrexitReality).
- Don’t forget to tag us: @WCountryVoices so that we, too, can share what you are doing and write in with a report afterwards, plus pictures!
Spread the word
Whatever you do on this list, it’s imperative to broadcast it to as many people as possible. Tweet/re-tweet/like etc. content from progressive sources you are involved with:
On twitter: https://twitter.com/home
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com
On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com
Make a YouTube video and post it
Encourage family and friends
Etncourage others to take some of these practical actions themselves.
Don’t be shy talking about matters that are important to you in social situations – informed, open debate is healthy!
Subscribe and donate…
… to independent organisations that support your cause and aim to scrutinise those in power. Many of the Movements listed on these pages will take donations.

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Consider also: