This article by Mark E Thomas explores whether the Johnson government is the worst in recent British history. You can read the ‘summary’ or delve into the supporting articles. Either way, it’s a compelling and damning reckoning.
All politicians (and all people) occasionally lie. But Johnson is “probably the best liar we’ve ever had as a prime minister.” (Rory Stewart)
And the dishonesty goes beyond words to law-breaking.
So dishonesty and corruption have spread throughout government.
Countless ministers are complicit in the £billions of public money ‘spent’ on (much of it unusable) PPE provided by their friends and donors.
And the eye-watering sums ‘spent’ on test & trace (UK government allocated £37 billion of our money) again much of it going to friends and donors.
When Owen Paterson was found guilty of egregious breaches of parliamentary standards (i.e. of being a corrupt MP), the instinct of this government was to overturn the standards themselves – i.e. to legalise such corruption.
When the Intelligence and Security Committee warned that Russia was corrupting both UK politics and the City of London and called for a full inquiry into the Russians’ role in Brexit, this government’s response was to ignore that call.
It is clear that if the UK is a representative democracy, it is not the people of Great Britain that this government represents.
The majority of the UK population do not want our rivers pumped full of sewage.
But wealthy shareholders in water companies do.
The majority of the UK population do not want our NHS turned into something like the US system.
But wealthy shareholders in healthcare companies do.
The majority of the UK population do not want our energy prices to rise by over 50 per cent
But wealthy shareholders in energy companies do.
The majority of the UK population do not want our democratic safeguards removed.
But that is what their donors are telling this government to do.
The majority of the UK population think we should still have the right to peaceful protest.
But that is not what our government thinks.
The majority of the UK population think we should still have employment rights and protections so that we cannot just be fired at will.
But that is not what our government thinks – it plans to take no action.
The majority of the population think we should be equal under the law.
But our government thinks: “The new Sovereign Individual will operate in the same physical environment as the ordinary, subject citizen, but in a separate realm politically.”
But they are much more fragile than they would like us to think.
If you would like to stop all this and make sure the UK remains a civilised country, take a look at the 99% Organisation and join us.
Originally tweeted by Mark E Thomas on 31/03/2022.