Johnson has a strong claim to be the worst UK PM so far in terms of “… wages, economy, COVID, poverty, … preserving democracy, etc, …” But before the history books are written, he will be eclipsed by Truss, argues Mark E Thomas.
It is true that Truss has inherited (and played an active part in creating) an emergency which would not be easy even for a competent PM to address…
She is following a decline in real wages since 2010.
The economy is on the verge of recession and the pound is collapsing.
Bankruptcies are starting to rise.
We are facing the worst fall in living standards since records began.
Our citizens are becoming poorer than their counterparts in countries like Slovenia.
Without serious and well-designed government intervention, the UK will face a disastrous winter.
Truss keeps promising to ‘deliver’ but seems to live in a market fundamentalist fantasy world where either these problems do not exist or they will be fixed by the ‘magic’ of market forces.
Her so-called plan for growth will not bring growth to the economy or to the wages of working people.
The only thing that is likely to grow is the share of wealth belonging to the wealthiest.
Her first major act since becoming PM is an energy plan which protects the windfall profits of fossil fuel majors at the expense of the British population.
The gap between the Conservatives’ claims of a booming economy from which all will benefit and the reality of an economy falling ever further behind and a population trailing even that is becoming clearer every day.
And so their hold on power is becoming daily more fragile.

If we unite we can get them out.
And surprisingly, it will take only five common-sense actions to get us back on track towards being a civilised country.
Even a moderately competent alternative would be vastly better.
“With an averagely competent government, the UK would not be in a state of emergency.
We would be more prosperous, … we would not be facing a cost-of-living crisis.”
If you would like to see the alternative become a reality, join the 99% Organisation and lend a hand.