Dear Conservative MPs,
I think we can all agree that we are in the middle of a major crisis and, yes, we know parliament is no longer sitting, but you still have ways of exerting your power and influence. Your constituents need you to park party politics and concentrate on the practicalities of the situation we all face.
Your colleague Simon Hoare summed up the situation perfectly in his recent tweet:
I am sure that you can understand that people feel bleak enough as it is, and whilst the more fortunate amongst us can ride out food shortages and price hikes, it’s going to be yet another bitter blow for those struggling in poverty. And do key workers, already exhausted from months on the front line, need any extra sources of anxiety and stress? No!
What will ticking the ‘get Brexit done’ box on 31 December achieve if its consequence breaks the country when it is already on its knees? You know we aren’t prepared. How can we be? Nobody knows what they are meant to be preparing for! Nobody! Including MPs!
And then there are the flood alerts…
But we are not going to play the blame game or point score here. We’re just asking for reason, compassion and common sense to prevail.
One crisis at a time, please. Sort Covid-19 and then sort Brexit.