Humanitarian of the Year: Marcus Rashford. As an example of altruism, generosity of spirit, determination, focus and just plain being right, Rashford has become an icon of hope for the persistence of compassion and kindness in our communities. He tackled and outplayed Johnson at every (U) turn and scored powerful political goals. Visit his website End Child Food Poverty for more information.

Patience in the face of extreme provocation award: Michel Barnier. Unfailingly polite, diplomatic and constructive despite having to deal with ignorant, arrogant, truth-twisting muppets. he has remained sanguine and charming despite UK attempts to undermine him and stab him in the back. He also dressed the way he behaved – with elegance and restraint. Chapeau!

Global role model award : Jacinda Ardern For her consumate handling of the Covid-19 crisis and her evident empathy and genuine love for her citizens and country. Would that we could have such a leader.

Campaign organisations of the year: March for Change and Best for Britain.
March for Change morphed seamlessly from a pro second referendum campaign to a pro-democracy, pro-transparency and accountability organisation. It established and administered the Coronavirus APPG (all party parliamentary group), highlighting key issues like Long-Covid and the impact of government policy on care homes etc. MfC also campaigned against a Trump deal and lowering of standards and regulation and started the Bylines network so, yes, we are biased, but hey! We’re here! Thank you, March for Change.
Best for Britain has championed democracy and truth through clear, succinct communication on Brexit and the state of negotiations and the introduction of the ‘Hey-MP’ communication tool, which makes it easy for citizens to email their MP and demand action. Their calm, articulate analysis has been swift, reliable and digestible – an invaluable resource in the fight to keep the UK as closely aligned to the very best the EU has to offer.
Upholding the rule of law award: Jolyon Maugham and the Good Law Project for their work on the PPE procurement scandal. You can read more about their work here.
And, in tandem with the above, the corruption buster award: Byline Times – Sam Bright and others. Want to read the box set of revelations of cronyism, corruption and kleptocracy? It’s all here. See also Jenrick’s pork barrelling enterprises.

Truth-teller and lie buster award: Peter Stefanovic. Peter has a passion for calling out this government’s lies and does so with clarity, verve and enormous energy. In a world of apathetic people and shruggers, Peter stands out. Follow him on Twitter. He puts together omnibus editions of Johnson’s lies and those of his colleagues. He has our respect and thanks.
Best parliamentary evisceration award: Emily Thornberry. Look, we know it isn’t hard to run rings round Liz Truss. Poor love does not know which way up to hold a phone or that most Japanese people are lactose-intolerant. All the same, Thornberry did a cracking job of dismantling the misplaced glee Truss had expressed over the UK/Japan trade deal. Watch and enjoy!
Most dogged demander of a full inquiry into Russian interference in our elections and the EU referendum: Ben Bradshaw. We all have our ideas as to why Johnson will not follow the security select committee’s recommendation that there be a full inquiry into Putin’s infiltration of our politics. Ben, MP for Exeter, has been onto this from the start and won’t let it go. Keep asking, Ben. Please. We haven’t forgotten about it.

The award for the most environmentally-friendly flood mitigation schemes goes to … Beavers! Read Miles King’s piece for more information:
Look out for part two! Meanwhile, here is a small selection of our articles on topics related to our award winners’ activities: