Doh. It was a good idea, but we set an an impossible subject. You were all too kind (ironically, given the subject was ‘kindness’!) to point this out, but zero entries said it all. Sorry.
Let’s try again. The theme this time is ‘sky’. After all, we need something to look up to right now, don’t we?
Send your images to editor_@westcountryvoices.co.uk.
- They must be in the following size: 72dpi, 1200 pixels either vertically/height or horizontally/width or we won’t be able to use them.
- Make sure you include your name.
- Anyone can enter. Tell us your age if you want, especially if you are under 18.
- Competition closes: Midnight, Thursday 18 September
- We will publish the best six pictures, crediting their creators. No monetary prize or trophy. Sorry!
We look forward to seeing some fab pics!