Planning a spring getaway or a summer break?

Image by Alexa from Pixabay

Let’s face it, amid the winter gloom, of which there has been plenty lately, planning a holiday is a lovely distraction. Something to look forward to if we are fortunate enough to be able to go.

However, there are things to consider so that our breakaways don’t impact hugely on the earth. It is reported that the carbon footprint of tourism contributes to 8 per cent of global emissions.

Mode of travel plays a significant role in our environmental impact. Could a staycation be a good alternative, or perhaps consider flying less often, or even avoiding air travel altogether? Earth Changers report that travelling by train from London to Paris produces 90 per cent less carbon emissions than flying. Additionally, you can offset your travel emissions by donating to charities or not-for-profit groups, although this doesn’t tackle the core issue. If flying is unavoidable – especially with families separated by continents – ‘Which?’ advises choosing the most eco-friendly flight with the ‘greenest’ aircraft to minimise carbon emissions. There are websites that can help you make these choices.

There are simple changes we can definitely make, like investing in reusable bottles or small containers for shampoo, conditioner, and body wash instead of purchasing travel-sized ones or large bottles each time; these add unnecessary weight to our luggage. While the travel-sized bottles are cute, they contribute to plastic waste. And those hotel freebies wrapped in single-use plastic? They’re also wasteful – resist using them whenever possible!

Another way is to try to avoid buying tchotchkes (a great word which means knick-knacks or trinkets) as souvenirs, especially single-use plastic ones. Why not buy a tea towel from the place you visit, something edible, or a souvenir that can be used every day, instead of something that will just gather dust at the back of the display shelf? Now surely cutting down on dusting has got to be a great incentive too! Much of our unwanted bric-a-brac, including holiday souvenirs, regularly winds up in charity shops, after which its final journey is to be shipped abroad as plastic waste or dumped because the items cannot be sold.

Let’s explore the world while protecting it for future generations!

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