Boris Johnson has been urged to make a stunning comeback to frontline politics “for the sake of Britain, Brexit and British people”, reports the Daily Express.
The paper (I really can’t bring myself to call it a newspaper) says there have been, “surging calls for the former Prime Minister to make a sensational return, with many Tories warning of general election oblivion.”
Brexiter Nile Gardiner, a former aide to the late Lady Margaret Thatcher, is one who has urged Mr Johnson to make a return.
He tweeted a picture of him shaking hands with the former Prime Minister and wrote:
“There is speculation in the UK press today that Boris Johnson may be preparing a comeback in 2023. For the sake of Britain, Brexit, and the British people, I hope this is true.”
Bloody hell, I hope it ISN’T true. The country was mad to vote for him the first time around. A second time? You can’t be serious.
Boris Johnson made Britain the laughing stock of the world; he ruined the country with a Brexit that wasn’t oven ready as promised, but stodgy, inedible, and toxic.
He lied on an industrial scale to enable Leave to win (yeah, where’s our ‘bus money’, Johnson?)
He is responsible (I should say irresponsible) for many Covid deaths that could have been avoided.
His claim that we could only get fast Covid vaccines because of Brexit was a downright lie.
He was in parties when the rest of us were in lockdowns.
Under his watch, contracts were handed out to mates of government ministers without going through the proper procedures.
He’s been accused of breaking the ‘Ministerial Code’, a matter yet to be fully investigated.
Not to mention his murky meetings with an ex-KGB spy (no, let’s mention it – my video about that is at johnson.therussianconnection.co.uk)
He’s a joker, a clown, but not one that’s funny, avuncular, or endearing. More the type of clown you’ll find in a Stephen King horror.
Boris Johnson, be gone for good. Coming back in any shape or form will be bad for Britain. What you did in three years as Prime Minister was terrible for Britain.
Link to Daily Express article (don’t dare click it): https://www.express.co.uk/…/boris-johnson-comeback…
Jon Danzig is a campaigning journalist and film maker who specialises in writing about health, human rights, and Europe. He is also founder of the pro-EU information campaign, Reasons2Rejoin. You can follow Jon Danzig on his Facebook journalism page at www.Facebook.com/JonDanzigWrites
Editor: And now there’s this: