Our first past the post system may have the advantage of familiarity and simplicity, but it is serving us very ill. The current government enjoys a massive majority in the Commons, allowing it to ram through legislation that damages our democracy, our human rights, the environment and so much more… and all despite securing only 43.6 per cent of the vote. Majority power on a minority vote. How can we call ourselves a representative democracy?

To learn more about how the UK could do things differently, foster engagement and restore faith in the democratic process, come along to the free Make Votes Matter event on Monday November 28 at 19:00.
The panel comprises Klina Jordan, CEO of Make Votes Matter; Caroline Voaden, LibDem and former MEP; John Cummings of Totnes Town Council; and Rick Gaehl, Labour Campaign for Electoral Reform.
Please register to attend (helps the organisers to get a feel for numbers) or turn up on the night.