At West Country Voices we like to tell the stories that others in the media don’t. Often, these stories concern issues that the powerful and well-connected are keen to suppress; they involve holding policymakers to account or exposing abuse of office. Recent stories have focused on the threats to our democratic rights and freedoms. They don’t make comfortable reading.
We are equally keen, however, to tell another kind of story: one where local people are making a difference. Amid the bad news it is easy to forget that citizen action can and does bring positive change. Good things still happen.
The failure of the media to report success can be as destructive to our society as failing to expose abuse. It can lead to a sense of powerlessness, to a loss of faith in the democratic process. We aim to help the unsung heroes of the south-west get their voice heard and their message across; and we are asking our readers to help us.
If you know of a local organisation quietly doing good work, let us know. We may be able to publish a story that inspires others. If you know of a local campaign or initiative that deserves to be known more widely, get in touch. We could help them reach a wider audience. And if you have a story to tell yourself, send us a letter, write us an article or offer us an interview. Help us give voice to those who are working to make our world a better place.
I will be acting as the co-ordinator for these ‘making a difference’ stories and you can contact me by email at Somerset@westcountryvoices.co.uk . We look forward to hearing from groups and individuals from Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset.