Are you worried about the state of our democracy? Our electoral system? Pollution? The climate crisis? The threats to the NHS? Housing? Social justice? We know that most of our readers care deeply about the issues we cover in our articles. We also know that whilst people want to know the truth, the seeming tsunami of bad news can feel overwhelming. We believe the best way to deal with a sense of powerlessness is to get stuck in and do something! Many of you are already active, we know, but for many more the whole notion of political engagement is new and potentially daunting. We want to help people to get involved to make much-needed change happen.
Our new page, Campaigns, is a developing resource for people who want to engage, whether it’s a little or a lot. The page is a work in progress, so please bear with us….and it will only be richly populated if you contribute, which is why we are telling you about it now.
Our political values are progressive and internationalist. We believe in a kinder world that puts people before profit, that values cooperation and inclusiveness, and that looks after our planet. We aim to be part of a new ethical, pro-reform and empathetic media that serves the public not the powerful.
The Campaign Directory will list groups by cause/issue. If you want your organisation or group to be included, please email campaigns@westcountryvoices.co.uk. We welcome local groups and campaigns covering all or any of Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset as well as the nationals.
Please note that we reserve the right to refuse to list an organisation or group that the Editor-in-Chief feels does not fit our ethos.
The Ramp up the action! Events/Petitions section will be a calendar with links to information to events, talks, protests etc and a list of petitions on key issues together with their deadlines. If you want your event or petition listed, please email campaigns@westcountryvoices.co.uk. (As above re our right of refusal.)
Finally, How to engage with power and make a difference: here you will find information on how to contact your MP, a Lord, a select committee, your councillors, an ombudsman or regulatory authority; template letters to MPs; a toolkit for engagement; tips on organising campaigns and protests; and a recommended reading list on key issues. If you have a contribution to make to this page, please get in touch.
Two members of our team are going to be focusing on this important intitiative and we hope it will become the go-to page for all who have decided not to stand by and shrug, saying “What can you do?” but actually get out there and do something! But note: it needs your input!
In the immediate term, our focus will be on the concerted efforts to defeat the worst aspects of the many terrible bills going through right now: Nationalities and Borders Bill; Police, Crimes Sentencing and Courts Bill (Policing Bill, for short); Elections Bill; Health and Social Care Bill.
Please sign Best for Britain’s petition. Although Patel’s toxic last minute amendments were thrown out (largely as a consequence of a mass mobilisation of objectors), the Policing Bill contains many horrors which infringe civil liberties and need to be defeated or seriously modified.
Democracy in action! Let’s do this thing!