Category: Health

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Disinformation can cost lives

Dr Dan Goyal

The power of disinformation is mind-blowing and it’s dangerous. Let me give you a very recent example that almost certainly cost lives… This month there were two massive publications about the pandemic. One in The Lancet – top five medical journal. The other series in the BMJ – again, a top six journal. The Lancet […]

Just a few days in Tory… Eyes on the lies, everyone!

Russ In Cheshire

Russ Jones has done it again. Expect updates! 1. Our new PM, Margarine Thatcher, said she was “absolutely committed” to cutting tax for the rich 2. Then she cancelled tax cuts the rich 3. Truss boasted she was prepared to make unpopular decisions 4. But her decisions were unpopular, so she cancelled them 5. Truss […]

Welcome to the Covid Fit campaign!

Dr Dan Goyal

Hey, guys. I have been working on something for a while now, partly to feel more useful and partly to take back some control from an indifferent leadership. Covid Fit is a campaign trying to reduce some of the risk factors associated with Severe Covid. We are in a much better place now if we […]

Wrong diagnosis

Jon Danzig

“Quit the EU to save our #NHS” said the Daily Express It was the wrong diagnosis, but voters believed it. The latest news is that the NHS is facing “the greatest workforce crisis in its history”, which is bringing our health service to its knees. NHS England is facing a chronic and dangerous shortage of […]

What does the new Covid-19 wave tell us?

Emma Monk

‘Are we in a new Covid-19 wave?’ asks molecular biologist, Emma Monk This week the Office for National Statistics (ONS) announced we had hit a horrifying milestone: recording 200,000 Covid deaths in the UK since the start of the pandemic. But look around the shops and on the trains and you’d be forgiven for thinking […]

Ella’s Law – the right to breathe clean air

Tom Scott

A Bill led by Baroness Jenny Jones through the House of Lords received strong cross-party support at its second reading today and holds out a real opportunity to save tens of thousands of lives every year, while greatly improving the quality of life in towns and cities across the country – including the South West. […]

NHS Covid pay, a missing MP and inappropriate behaviour: letters


Dear Sheryll Murray MP I am writing to you with grave concerns that the government is going to remove special Covid sickness rules for NHS staff in the coming days. My fellow NHS colleagues have had to work tirelessly against a background of a decade of poor investment to fight a pandemic. Boris Johnson and […]

Age of Spin

Dr Dan Goyal

If there is one lesson we should take from Covid so far, it’s that we live in an age of disinformation and political Spin. And it works! Arguably, the ease in which we are manipulated is one of the greatest threats to humanity and social justice. Covid is a good example… 🧵 At the point […]

Children’s services should protect children not profit


Our children’s services are there to protect and care for vulnerable children in our communities, providing a lifeline for those in difficult situations. But doesn’t it seem wrong that private companies are able to run these services and prioritise profit over the children they are meant to protect? The government recently dropped its unpopular plans to reduce council responsibilities […]

Brexit bravado: building immunity

Andrew Levi

Even as some hard-core Brexiters concede that the project isn’t working for the country, they reach for tired claims that there have been benefits in certain high-profile areas. The reality is very different, as Andrew Levi explains, in the case of the Covid vaccine public health response. Radical Remainers ‘The Great British, world-beating, Covid vaccine […]

Children in care: big business for international investors

Martin Barrow

Editor: This is the first in a series of articles about the privatisation/monetisation of a number of aspects of social and health care. For every pound that was once spent directly on providing a service and those being cared for by that service, a chunk will now go to shareholders. With a profit motive driving […]

Why #Partygate cannot be forgotten: letter to Sheryll Murray

Jane Stevenson

Dear Sheryll Murray I noted a tweet by Kwasi Kwarteng and other Conservative ministers today telling us, in effect, to move on from the series of events known as Partygate. He said that the government had important things to get on with.   Reflecting on a selection of current crises: the cost-of-living crisis was created […]

Politics needs to be purged of the Johnson poison


Truth doesn’t matter? Integrity doesn’t matter? Honour doesn’t matter? Is all that matters remaining in power to prosecute an agenda of enrichment for cronies and supporters, a grave reduction in human rights and a whole slew of policies which will serve to widen the inequality gap and deepen poverty and deprivation? It would seem so […]

We need a democratic and constitutional revolution

Richard Murphy

There are any number of ways of seeing the photograph’s issued yesterday of the party Boris Johnson attended on 13 November 2020. Denis Swayne MP managed to call it a work event yesterday, which was no excuse. No doubt Grant Shapps will destroy any remaining credibility he has by telling the morning media round some […]

Are we managing Covid properly?

Dr Dan Goyal

It’s hard trying to raise awareness of governments’ failure to manage the pandemic properly. It shouldn't be, but it is. Why, and why keep going: 1. There is a small but powerful minority who want the public to forget about Covid, even if that means more death and disability. Consumer confidence is hit hard when […]

Integrated Care Systems (ICS) are here. What do they mean for you?


The NHS is being reorganised again, and if you’re like most people you’ll have questions. So what’s happening? Campaign group We Own It have given us permission to reproduce their guide to Integrated Care Systems (ICS). In an upcoming article, we’ll talk about what’s going on in the south west, with information from Save Our Hospital […]

Long Covid – hope on the horizon?

Tom Scott

Some two million people in the UK are experiencing longer-term health impacts from Covid. Suffering from post-Covid brain-fog himself, Tom Scott had a look at some recent research into Long Covid and possible treatments for the condition. Last month I finally caught Covid, along with dozens of other people who had unwisely attended a friend’s […]

Omicron is far more dangerous than flu

Dr Dan Goyal
Chart of hospital omissions for Covid-19

Omicron is far more dangerous than the flu, explains Dr Dan Goyal. Many have bought into the “Covid is now like the Flu” narrative. So here’s the science without the scientific jargon. Judge for yourself. For the ‘Too long, didn’t read’ folk: like for like: infection fatality ratio (IFR) approximately six times that of flu; […]

The week in Tory…it’s an epic edition!

Russ In Cheshire
banner outside Westminster: corrupt Tory government

Russ’s epic and epigrammatic summary of the madness and horror that is the current UK political scene. We’ve left the numbers in so you don’t get lost! Buckle up! I was going to do #TheWeekInTory, but try as I might, I can’t find a single thing they’ve done wrong this week. Only kidding. It’s been […]

Carl Garner tells it like it is – Covid

Carl Garner
Johnson at his desk, drinking tea

The current government strategy against Covid is not working. Putting your fingers in your ears and shutting your eyes to pretend it isn’t happening is not a strategy; in fact, it is the perfect definition of the opposite, and furthermore, a total abdication of the responsibility of good government.  Our hospital has had to declare […]

What will the removal of all Covid protections mean for England?

Emma Monk
crowded shopping centre

Almost two years since the first pandemic safeguards were introduced on 23 March 2020, unvaccinated people arriving in the UK will no longer have to take tests, and passenger locator forms have been scrapped. The testing rule had already been lifted for people who have been vaccinated, and the government removed the last of their […]

Pandemic mistakes – part 3. “One of the worst”

Dr Dan Goyal
pulse oximeter

One of the worst pandemic mistakes, in my opinion: iIn the UK in April 2020, a nationwide directive to ration oxygen was issued. Rationing oxygen, in the UK! A bit of background: 1. For the vast majority of Covid patients, the lower part of the lungs are unaffected. Most symptoms come from the infection in […]