On Friday September 1, activists from Extinction Rebellion Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (XR BCP) travelled to Hanover Square in London. Why? To continue our campaign against Perenco, following the spill of reservoir fluid into Poole Quay in March 2023.
The spillage occurred just days after it emerged that Perenco were warned in June 2022 by the Health and Safety Executive, that the company had 424 overdue repair works, 237 of which were safety critical, across multiple UK sites*.

We have already held two demonstrations on Poole Quay and led a march to Wytch Farm but have received no assurances from Perenco that they will make safety improvements at Wytch Farm to prevent future spills.
XR BCP were joined outside Perenco’s offices by other XR Groups. We drummed, lit flares, distributed leaflets and were accompanied by the grim reaper, giant ‘eyes’ looked on and a procession of the dark and scary ‘Oil Slicker’ troupe performed as ‘oil’ was poured. At the end of the protest, speeches were made – including reading words from activists in Moanda in the DRC and Colombia, two countries where Perenco’s oil operations are causing harm to indigenous people and the environment.

Finally, we attempted to hand in a letter addressed to Perenco chairman, Francois Perrodo. However, representatives from the company refused to accept it.
The fight continues!
Daniel Glennon