How we vote is mostly about our feelings, and then we hunt around for ways to rationalise those feelings.
But look at the data, and if you voted Tory or Brexit… just think about this stuff.
I’m not taking the p*ss. Just consider…
If you voted Tory in 2010 to reduce debt, you made a mistake. They increased public sector debt every year:

If you voted for Brexit to make us richer, you made a mistake. It has made us much, much poorer:

If you voted for Brexit to improve all the trading we could do when we were free of the EU, you made a mistake. Our trading has gone off a cliff:

If you voted Tory to reduce inequality, you made a mistake. Inequality in the UK is now higher than any comparable economy except USA:

If you voted Tory to improve law and order, you made a mistake. Police numbers tumbled after they took office:

If you voted Tory to reduce immigration, you made a mistake. Immigration from the EU shrank, but from the rest of the world it grew:

If you voted Tory or Brexit to improve your wages, you made a mistake. Growth since 2015
Germany: 40 per cent
France: 39 per cent
UK: 9 per cent
We’re one quarter of the wage performance of our economic rivals
If you voted Tory to reduce the number of people waiting for NHS treatment, you made a mistake. Numbers have grown every year (except during Covid, when most non-urgent treatments were postponed):

If you voted Tory reduce waiting times, you made a mistake. They’ve also increased every year:

If you voted Tory to improve education funding, you made a mistake:

If you voted Tory to reduce the amount of council tax you pay, you made a mistake. The amount you pay is shown in blue, and has grown every year:

If you voted for Tories to stamp down on corruption, you made a mistake. It has risen hugely, before even factoring in the 20 per cent of Covid contracts that raised a “red flag” for corruption by international standards:

If you voted Tory to reduce racist or other hate crimes, you made a mistake:
If you voted Tory to control inflation, that was a mistake:

If you voted Tory to make housing more affordable, that was a mistake:

If you voted Tory because you wanted good leadership, you made a mistake. Cameron scores worse than even Brown, and Theresa May worse than anybody. They are HUGELY negative in all categories.
And this doesn’t even include Boris Johnson.
We all make mistakes. I definitely do!
All I’m saying is… try to learn from them. Next time you’re nodding along to the Tories, just stop for a moment, and remember all the times you agreed with them in the past.
That was a mistake.
Don’t repeat it again. Please.